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  • 作者:
  • 来源:
  • 日期: 2021-04-05
  • 浏览次数: 421
Small coup to solve the problem of rust in large washing machines 1) If the main shaft of the industrial washing machine has an oil filling hole, in order to prevent rust, it should be filled with oil regularly

2) Industrial washing machines should be placed in dry, sanitary, and free of corrosive gases and liquids. Keep the laundry room well ventilated. After the washing machine is used up, the inner drum of the standby machine should be dried before closing the door.

3) If the industrial washing machine is not used for a long time, the accumulated water inside the machine should be drained. After it is completely dried, cover it with a special cloth cover (preferably one with better air permeability) to avoid dust in the air. Erosion, to ensure the drying and cleanliness of the washing machine

4) When the industrial washing machine has been rusted, the rusted area should be polished with sandpaper, and then painted with the same or similar color, which can prevent rust and ensure the overall aesthetics;

5) If you find that the rust of a large washing machine that has been used for a long time is serious, if the manufacturer has warranty and maintenance services, it is best to contact the manufacturer for return to the factory for repair;

Most of the reasons why industrial washing machines rust are caused by the environment of the laundry room and the unreasonable maintenance during use. When the washing machine has begun to rust, users should pay enough attention to it. Take precautions to prevent the rusty area from spreading and affecting the service life of the washing machine.
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