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  • 作者:
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  • 日期: 2021-03-29
  • 浏览次数: 338
Matters needing attention in the operation of the ironing machine Matters needing attention in the operation of the ironing machine

before use

The ironing machine is a piece of electromechanical equipment, and the equipment must be reliably grounded during installation to avoid personal and equipment safety accidents.

The ironing machine is a high-temperature pressure vessel. All parts of the body are strictly prohibited from contacting the end of the drying cylinder, watch, and equipment during work.

Before starting the industrial ironing machine, check whether there is any debris at the feed inlet and whether the conveyor belt is normal.

During use

Pay attention to the various valves, meters, and ironing temperatures during operation. Use the wax cleaning cloth to wax every day to prevent the surface of the ironing machine from becoming astringent. Use cleaning wax cloth to wax every day. The purpose of waxing is to make the surface smooth and prevent cloth pieces. Wrinkle (reduce the coefficient of friction).

Replace the damaged ironing tape in time to ensure the output effect.

At work, pay attention to the effect of the dehumidifier and whether the connection of the pipe is intact to prevent air leakage; when adjusting the computer inverter control knob to adjust the ironing machine, it should be adjusted slowly and evenly, avoiding sharp rises and drops to ensure its service life.

After use

Before shutting down, leave the dehumidifier on for an additional 20 minutes to exhaust the moisture in the felt; with the heat source turned off, the ironing machine should be operated at a low speed until its drum is sufficiently cooled down before it can be shut down to prevent the guide belts from being exposed to high temperatures State and shorten its service life. When off work, close the main steam valve and main power supply. If abnormal phenomena are found, stop and report in time.

After the ironing machine is used, pay attention to cleaning and maintenance. Use fine wood emery cloth to polish the powder and dirt accumulated on the edge of the ironing cylinder's feed port once a week to keep the feed port smooth. Note that before sanding, use old sheets to protect the relevant parts, so as not to waste the scalded sheets. When the ironing belt of the ironing machine is damaged, the laundry room should be replaced in time to ensure the output effect.

Contact us if you need to replace laundry ironing belts and felt, mail us info@amisfelting.com

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