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  • 作者:
  • 来源:
  • 日期: 2021-09-15
  • 浏览次数: 293
Why wax is used for flatwork ironer ? The purpose of waxing is to keep the ironer chest lubricated and it should be done sparingly but often. Wax can be powder or paste. It is placed on the leading edge of the wax cloth, usually inside a pocket or barrier flap with a silicone coating. When the wax is fed through the ironer, the wax melts to coat and lubricate the ironer chests. This helps to get even heating from the chest to the linens and makes feeding from one roll to the next easier. If waxing is not done enough, or if it is done without enough wax, areas on the ironer chest will become dry. These dry dead spots can grab onto the linen. If your linens jam or come out of the ironer with accordion wrinkles, then run a wax cloth to clean and lubricate the chests. The wax cloth should run through the ironer every TWO hours.

during the process of waxing, it is very important that the exhaust of the ironer is shut off to avoid the accumulation of wax vapors on the exhaust duct lines which later get condensed and start dripping down the line appears as stain marks on the linens.

Waxing is done to remove the build-up of chemicals residual on the chest. Chemical residual is accumulated on the chest during the process of passing linen. waxing should be done when the chest is warm(low temperature)
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