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  • 作者: Emily
  • 来源:
  • 日期: 2018-02-23
  • 浏览次数: 1264
The role of ironing tape in the process of ironing and folding should not be underestimated.
The ironing tape plays a vital role in the ironing and folding equipment. If the ironing tape is the right size and the combination is good, the ironing machine and the folding machine will perform at their maximum efficiency. Moreover, the size and type of ironing tape recommended by the manufacturer of the equipment is also critical. Otherwise, the equipment may run poorly.
Non-woven ironing tape
There are different levels and types of ironing tapes, each with its advantages. Non-woven ironing is made of polyester and high melting point aromatic polyamide or made of a mixture of polyester and stainless steel. These ironing tapes are particularly stable in size and resistant to friction. These long-life ironing belts use a heavy internal gauze to prevent stretching. This increase in performance leads to an increase in the price, but the benefits of high performance greatly offset the disadvantage of high costs.
Non-woven ironing tapes are typically applied to the feed end of a ironing machine. Because they are synthetic, they do not deteriorate in heat and humidity like cotton flat belts. Moreover, their construction ensures that the hooks that are connected remain unchanged throughout the life of the ironing tape. The stitching of the stitched endless ironing tape has a service life as long as the ironing tape.
Quality non-woven ironing tape features
Some companies mistakenly regard the standard cotton laundry as a double-strand, because such cotton flats have two gold threads. In the traditional terminology, this is correct. However, it is important to know that most laundry plants do not make sense with the flat strip style. Some lines are gold, some are green, some are red, and some are white and blue. Sometimes, a color bar is just a way to identify a brand; at other times, a color bar doesn't make any sense.
There are two types of woven nonwoven woven flat belts: shuttle and needle. The shuttle loom has been used for generations and is slower to weave. Some users feel that the ironing tape woven by the shuttle loom seems to be stronger. They claim that this ironing tape is of better quality. I personally have not found evidence to support such claims.
You can compare an old-fashioned loom to a car with a carburetor and a needle-loom to an EFI. Knitting machines are capable of producing the same or better products of the shuttle loom, and the needle loom is more cost effective to operate. I rarely see which laundry factory is equipped with a flat belt woven by a shuttle loom. If you have such a flat belt in your laundry, the biggest possibility is that you pay a high price for it, but it doesn't get much benefit.
Not all cotton flats are the same. The weight of the flat belts produced by different manufacturers is also different. They may have different finishing effects, and this finishing effect determines how hard and straight the ironing is. The weaving of the flattening belt affects the shrinkage/stretching performance of the flattening tape, and the roller bonding also has different standards. The overall quality standards are different. In order to reduce costs, some manufacturers increase the proportion of polyester in cotton ironing tape. However, this is a delicate balance. Because polyester produces static electricity. Static electricity can adversely affect the folding machine.
The polyester component in the flattening tape also warps, causing tracking problems. Reliable ironing machine ironing belts and folding machine ironing belt sellers should be able to provide a basic identification map. The identification map explains the benefits of using the flattening tape and the recommended ironing tape in a layman's way.
Measuring ironing tape
Buying ready-made ironing has its superiority. The most important thing is that you can save a lot of time during installation. Most dry cleaner franchises have some simple ironing tape fastening tools. This is still possible in an emergency. However, it is not suitable for installing multiple ironing tapes. For laundry ironing belt suppliers, the most advanced automatic cutting and fastening equipment costs a lot of money. Moreover, off-the-shelf ironing tapes eliminate the need to measure and combine the correctness of the ironing tape. User manuals often give incorrect ironing tape specifications.
If you install the ironing tape yourself, be sure to measure the size of the ironing tape you are using now. From the one end of the flattening tape to the other end, and do not measure the size of the connecting hook when measuring. If there is a professional installation, let the professional measure. When cutting the required ironing tape from the large roll of ironing tape, the professional knows how to compensate for the stretching or shrinkage, and also ensures that the installed ironing tape is exactly the desired size. In this way, the responsibility for any problem is the responsibility of the supplier, not you.
If you install it yourself, consider buying a pliers. This unique modified gripping tool allows the user to pull the ends of the flat strip together with one hand while the other hand fits the connecting needle.
Hot flat belt fastening hooks are most often supplied to the laundry factory. Two specifications: #25 (small) is used for flat ironing machines, fabric feeders and folding machines for textile ironing belts; #1(big) is often used for folding machines and exhibitions. The rubber flat on the cloth machine and the stacker.
It is very important to choose the correct size. If the fastening hooks are too small, they will not produce enough "biting" force to properly grip; if the fastening hooks are too large, they will bend from the back and will eventually cut them off the ironing tape like scissors. Tools used to fasten the flattening tape also affect performance. Too tight or too loose will cause the ironing tape to have the same effect as an improper size. Manufacturer-authorized fastening hook dealers will install fastening hooks with modern equipment. If the dealers installed in your laundry factory use the same tools as yours, consider switching to a dealer.
Other ironing tape fastening
The flattening tape adhesive plays a vital role in connecting the cotton ironing tape. It is often discarded as if it were a protective layer that avoids debris. It is also necessary for the adhesive to increase the strength of the cotton ironing tape to grip the fastening hook. The use of alternatives actually leads to degradation of the flattening zone by weakening the cotton fibers. Moreover, these alternatives do not add the necessary strength to the fastening hooks.
Recently, heat sealing has been used to join the ends of the ironing tape. The benefit of this is that it adds to the beauty: it is very appealing to print the logo or company name. Displaying is perhaps the most important aspect of sales. In this respect, heat sealing is a winner. From a technical point of view, there is no benefit to heat sealing.
Heat sealing does not iron the performance of the adhesive and is often improperly installed. This will cause the fastening hook to be mounted off center and tilted. The fastening hooks are detached from the cotton ironing tape in advance because the strength of the joint is not increased or the installation is not appropriate. Non-woven ironing tape does not require any adhesive. Heat sealing does not extend or shorten the life of such ironing tapes.
Always purchase fastening hooks and other fasteners from an authorized dealer. This type of dealer not only has dedicated equipment, product knowledge, training and the latest technical announcements, but the manufacturer also gives you the right support to serve you.
Just like a tire, the ironing tape should be replaced in a complete set. It is not economical to replace only the pass in each change.
The cotton flat belt will stretch when used, and a new flat belt can be cut to the same size as the old one, but will soon stretch and become longer. This means that there is two adjustments to change a flat belt. In addition, after use, the flattening tape becomes smooth with the accumulation of cilia and wax. This in turn changes their consistency. The new ironing tape is more viscous than the old ironing tape, which affects the performance of the entire machine.
You invested a lot of money in the ironing equipment. Maintenance is the key to making your ironing equipment profitable for you year after year: ironing belts must not be overlooked because they are a complete part of a proper maintenance plan.

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